Reading HI
The goal of level HI is for students to identify how paragraphs are connected to each other, develop their own perspectives on Level H texts and justify their own opinions, and to recognize variations or contrasts in actions or mood of characters found in text.
● Level H Goals:
Distinguish the author’s personal perspective from factual statements
Identify the organization of points and story elements
Identify important points and how the ideas support the author’s claim
Interpret descriptive language to understand the author’s perspective and intention in the passage (this skill is vital for creating summaries of passages)
Ability to analyze passages critically
● Good Work Skills in this level include:
Reading directions and examples carefully
Reading passages for comprehension
Thinking critically
Answering independently
Using capitalization and punctuation correctly in sentences
Ability to correct independently (don’t forget to grade every day!)
● Time Goal:
The study time goal is 20-30 minutes per day
Your Instructor will continually adjust the pages to adhere to this goal
● Grading Reminders:
Students must be able to learn from their mistakes daily
Take the time to grade and let them find and correct their own errors independently
Students can use what they have learned and apply it to the next day’s assignment allowing them to move smoothly and independently through the assignments
Do not count off for minor mistakes
Answers may not be word-for-word from the answer book, but they should have many of the same components and ideas
Reading HI/HII - Recommended Reading List
1 - Jacob Have I Loved (Katherine Paterson)
2 - The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
3 - The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien)
4 - Kidnapped (Robert Louis Stevenson)
5 - The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)
6 - King of the Wind (Marguerite Henry)
7 - Fever, 1793 (Laurie Halse Anderson)
8 - Cry, the Beloved Country (Alan Paton)
9 - The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin (Maurice Leblanc)
10 - The Story of My Life (Helen Keller)
11 - So Much to Tell You (John Marsden)
12 - Around the World in Eighty Days (Jules Verne)
13 - Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World (Jennifer Armstrong)
14 - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Mildred D. Taylor)
15 - Daddy-Long-Legs (Jean Webster)