Reading AII
The goal of Level AII is for students to develop their ability to visualize the contents of a passage by paying attention to sentence topics and understanding the sequence of events within the passage. Students will also learn to improve their ability to read and write simple sentences.
● Level AII Goals:
Read sentences quickly and accurately
Improve sentence comprehension by paying attention to the subject
Understand the sequence of events in a passage
Practice key vocabulary
● Good Work Skills in this level include:
Reading directions and examples carefully
Reading passages for comprehension
Being able to remember and completely write the correct answer or sentence
Writing neatly within the box or line provided
Writing the same size as the words on the page
Re-reading answers to verify they are correct
Ability to correct easily and independently (don’t forget to grade every day!)
● Time Goal:
2-3 minutes per page
The study time goal is 15-20 minutes per day
Your Instructor will continually adjust the pages to adhere to this goal
● Grading Reminders:
Students must be able to learn from their mistakes daily
Take the time to grade and let them find and correct their own errors independently
Students can use what they have learned and apply it to the next day’s assignment allowing them to move smoothly and independently through the assignments
Reading AII - Recommended Reading List
1 - May I Bring A Friend? (Beatrice Schenk de Regniers)
2 - Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail (Marjorie Weinman Sharmat)
3 - The Fire Cat (Esther Averill)
4 - Cork & Fuzz: Short and Tall (Dori Chaconas)
5 - Days With Frog and Toad (Arnold Lobel)
6 - Purple, Green and Yellow (Robert Munsch)
7 - Freckle Juice (Judy Blume)
8 - Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge (Mem Fox)
9 - Martha Speaks (Susan Meddaugh)
10 - The Story About Ping (Marjorie Flack and Kurt Wiese)
11 - Blueberries for Sal (Robert McCloskey)
12 - The Story of Ferdinand (Munro Leaf)
13 - Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears (Verna Aardema)
14 - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Judi Barrett)
15 - The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth (Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen)