Reading 5A
The goal of Level 5A is for students to say aloud words containing 5A sound parts; For students to learn to say aloud short sentences and to trace letters and words; For students to learn 800 vocabulary words (cumulative).
Reading 5A - Videos
5A Letter and Sound Flashcards
5A Sight Words
5A Sound Flashcards
5A Level Overview
Reading 5A - DO'S AND DON'TS
Let your child write their name, date, start time and end time on the 1st page only.
Read the directions aloud to your child. Always read “Attention Parents” Notes on the 1st page of every set.
Begin immediately after writing the start time.
Make sure your child traces the letters neatly, within the borders and in the correct stroke order.
Always have your child say the words aloud and say the sound of each letter as he or she traces the letter.
Always have your child say sentences aloud.
Praise your child after he/she reads the words or sentences aloud.
If your child stumbles over some words, use the pictures as prompts or model read.
If your child doesn’t recognize the picture, just tell them the word.
Praise your child if he/she is able to remember the word on the following page.
Praise your child when he/she has completed all the worksheets.
Ask your child to read words without pictures on page 5b, 10b, 1b5, 20b, 25b, 30b, 35b, 40b, 50b, 55b, 60b, 65b, 70b, 75b, 80b, 85b, 90b, 95b, 100b, 105b, 110b.
Force your child to blend the letters together to read the words.
Cover the picture and ask your child to guess or read the words.
Use the worksheets to teach another language.
Encourage your child to complete the worksheet without saying the words and the sound of letters.
Reading 5A - Recommended Reading List
1 - Mean Soup (Betsy Everitt)
2 - The Doorbell Rang (Pat Hutchins)
3 - What do you do with a kangaroo? (Mercer Mayer)
4 - The Icky Bug Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta)
5 - My Very First Mother Goose (edited by Iona Opie)
6 - A Rainbow of My Own (Don Freeman)
7 - The Listening Walk (Paul Showers)
8 - The Little Red Hen (retold by Paul Galdone)
9 - The Runaway Bunny (Margaret Wise Brown)
10 - We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (Michael Rosen)
11 - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault)
12 - Old Black Fly (Jim Aylesworth)
13 - One Hundred Hungry Ants (Elinor J. Pinczes)
14 - The ABC Bunny (Wanda Gag)
15 - Harry the Dirty Dog (Gene Zion)
16 - The Gigantic Turnip (Aleksei Tolstoy)
17 - Green Eggs and Ham (Dr. Seuss)
18 - Miss Spider’s Tea Party (David Kirk)
19 - Ask Mr. Bear (Marjorie Flack)
20 - The Treasure (Uri Shulevitz)