Reading 4A
The goal of Level 4A is for students to learn to say aloud sentences and to say aloud words containing 4A sound parts. Also, they will learn to trace and copy words and to learn 1000 vocabulary words (cumulative).
Reading 4A - Videos
4A Sight Words
4A Level Overview
4A Sound Flashcards
Reading 4A - DO'S AND DON'TS
Let your child write their name, date, start time and end time on the 1st page only.
Read the directions aloud to your child.
Always read “Attention Parents” Notes on the 1st page of every set.
Begin immediately after writing the start time.
Make sure your child traces and copies the letters neatly with correct stroke order and the writing fits in the spaces given.
Always have your child say the sound combinations aloud as he/she traces the letters.
Always have your child say words and sentences aloud.
Praise your child after he/she reads the words or sentences aloud.
Let your child use the picture cues to recite the words if necessary.
If your child doesn’t know a word, use the “I say (parent), we say (together), you say (child)” rule.
Praise your child when he/she has completed all the worksheets.
Ask your child to blend the letter sounds that are not the focus of the worksheet set.
Cover the pictures and ask your child to guess or read the words.
Use the worksheets to teach another language.
Encourage your child to complete the worksheet without saying the focus sounds, words and sentences.
Reading 4A - Recommended Reading List
1 - Henny Penny (retold by Paul Galdone)
2 - Alphabears: An ABC Book (Kathleen Hague)
3 - Bat Jamboree (Kathi Appelt)
4 - Curious George (H.A. Rey)
5 - Make Way for Ducklings (Robert McCloskey)
6 - Millions of Cats (Wanda Gag)
7 - Stone Soup (Marcia Brown)
8 - The Three Billy Goats Gruff (P.C. Asbjornsen and J.E. Moe)
9 - Tikki Tikki Tembo (retold by Arlene Mosel)
10 - A House is a House for Me (Mary Ann Hoberman)
11 - Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months (Maurice Sendak)
12 - Fireman Small (Wong Herbert Yee)
13 - Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose (Leo and Diane Dillon)
14 - Possum Come A-Knockin’ (Nancy Van Laan)
15 - This Is the House that Jack Built (Simms Taback)
16 - There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout! (Teri Sloat)
17 - Leo the Late Bloomer (Robert Kraus)
18 - Sheila Rae, the Brave (Kevin Henkes)
19 - The Empty Pot (Demi)
20 - Too Much Noise (Ann McGovern)