Math Level O
In Level O, students first study advanced differentiation and applications of differential calculus, then continue with an in-depth study of advanced integration and its applications. The level concludes with differential equations and various O 55a application problems using calculus.
● Level O Goals:
Advanced Differentiation
Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Concavity and Tangent Lines
Maxima and Minima
Applications of Differential Calculus
Indefinite Integrals
Definite Integrals
Advanced Integration
Applications of Integrals
Differential Equations
● Good Work Skills in this level include:
Reading directions and examples carefully
Writing all example problems in the Kumon notebook
Studying incorrect answers and erase only the part that is incorrect, then correct it
● Time Goal:
17-34 minutes per page
The study time goal is approximately 30 minutes per day.
Your Instructor will continually adjust the number of pages your child is studying to adhere to this goal
● Solution Manuals:
Solution Manuals are available for check out by students
Solution Manuals show the student step by step how to do Kumon problems
If the student gets stuck, they may study the Solution Manual to learn how to do the steps correctly
Once they have studied the steps, they should close the manual and then attempt the problem set
They should not copy out of the Solution Manual
● Grading Reminders:
Students must be able to learn from their mistakes daily
Take the time to grade and let them find and correct their own errors independently
Students can use what they have learned and apply it to the next day’s assignment allowing them to move smoothly and independently through the assignments.