Math Level D
In Level D, students learn 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication before studying long division. At the end of the level, students study fractions: first learning to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa, and then learning to reduce fractions.
● Level D Goals:
Review of levels A & B addition and subtraction
Review of level C multiplication and division
2-digit X 2-digit multiplication
3-digit X 3-digit multiplication
Long division, show all work
Introduce fractions
Converting Improper fractions to proper fractions or mixed numbers
Converting mixed number fractions to improper fractions
Reduce fractions in one step using Greatest Common Factor
● Good Work Skills in this level include:
Reading directions carefully for hints on how to solve the problems
Using patterns to help answer problems
Lining long division problems up neatly and correctly
Using the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) to reduce fractions in ONE STEP
The ability to correct easily and independently (don’t forget to grade every day!)
Studying incorrect answers and erase only the part that is incorrect, then correct it
● Quick Tips:
This is a VERY challenging level! Be encouraging and patient!
Make sure your child attends class as much as possible
● Time Goal:
3-5 minutes per page
The study time goal is 20-30 minutes per day.
Your Instructor will continually adjust the number of pages your child is studying to adhere to this goal
● Grading Reminders:
Students must be able to learn from their mistakes daily
Take the time to grade and let them find and correct their own errors independently
Students can use what they have learned and apply it to the next day’s assignment allowing them to move smoothly and independently through the assignments.